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"Training for the preparation of no-detriment findings (NDF) for freshwater stingray species."
[elearning_cursos_cursos] / "Training for the preparation of no-detriment findings (NDF) for freshwater stingray species."

"Training for the preparation of no-detriment findings (NDF) for freshwater stingray species."


10 [elearning_cursos_cant_lecciones]


[ valoracion]/5

The training course for creating a CITES No-Detriment Finding (NDF) for freshwater ray species in the Amazon region consists of four modules with six stages for creating the NDF.

Professionals working as CITES focal points in ACTO member countries


The following is a breakdown of the course structure:

Module 1 is a lecture designed to provide general information about CITES.

Module 2 and Module 3 consist of video lessons that present guidelines for preparing the NDF.

Module 4 will use the ABP (problem-based learning) methodology. In this module, the solution to a case study will be developed based on the information provided in Modules 2 and 3.



Maria Lúcia Góes de Araújo

  ¡[str_atencion]! [elearning_cursos_para_inscribir_crear_cuenta]