Bioamazon Newsletter Edition 18

Dez 22, 2022 | ACTO, Bioamazon Project, Bioamazon 18th edition Nov-Dec In this newsletter no. 18 presents to you the main actions carried out in November and December by the Permanent Secretariat of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (SP/ACTO). We were successful in participating in the 19th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), held in November in Panama City, and in the 15th Conference of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), in December, in Montreal, Canada. The parallel events held by ACTO were privileged spaces to provide transparency to our actions and dialogue with participants. At CITES COP 19, we presented our work with Amazonian countries for the protection of Amazonian tree species, the Regional Amazonian Observatory and the Technical Report on Illegal Traffiking in Five Species from Appendix I of CITES Emblematics for the Amazon Region. At CBD COP 15, we discussed the global importance of the Amazon, with the pre-launch of the results of the Rapid Assessment of Biological Diversity and Ecosystem Services in the Amazon. we also share that the UN General Assembly granted the status of Permanent Observer to ACTO, in addition to the news about the institution’s participation in several international events. You can download the complete file by clicking here.


Bioamazon Newsletter Edition 17

Nov 21, 2022 | ACTO, Bioamazon Project, Bioamazon 17th edition Set-Oct In this Newsletter n. 17 you will fid news related to activities in September and October, including cooperation meetings at the 6th Korea-LAC Business Summit, where climate change, water resources and the potential for regional cooperation, as well as investment and trade opportunities, were discussed. You are invited to learn about the details of Project Bioamazon’s monitoring visits to Bolivia and Guyana. In the Amazon Countries Session, we share information about a group of scientists describing a possible new species of tarantula in Bolivia, and a summary of the scientifi papers on wood identifiation techniques and purity assessment of rosewood oil, published with the participation of researchers from the Forest Products Laboratory of the Brazilian Forest Service (LPF/SFB). This research was partially supported by the ACTO Bioamazon Project. In addition, the Permanent Secretariat of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (PS/ACTO) is pleased to invite you to follow the program of the 19th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). Within the framework of this Conference, in November, two side events will be held to discuss the work carried out for the benefi of the Amazon. On the occasion, there will also be the launch of the Forest Module of the Amazon Regional Observatory and the presentation of the Technical Report on Illegal Traffiking of Five CITES Appendix I Species Emblematic for the Amazon Region. You can download the complete file by clicking here.


Bioamazon Newsletter Edition 16

Sep 21, 2022 | ACTO, Bioamazon Project, Bioamazon Edition 16 Jul-Aug We invite you to discover some of the latest news from the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO) in the months of July and August. On July 3, the 44th anniversary of the signing of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty (TCA) was celebrated. In these four decades, the TCA has remained current, allowing the advances of the substantive sustainable development agenda and the various transversal values, such as the centrality of the human being. The sovereign autonomy of the eight Member Countries coexists perfectly with a modern and broad cooperation agenda, which allows ACTO to work on all thematic pillars, such as climate change, forests, biodiversity, indigenous peoples, health, among others. In August, we were pleased to see the approval of the two proposals for side events that we made to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), which will hold its 19th Conference of the Parties from 14 to 25 November, in Panama. Another very important activity was the presentation of the “Rapid Assessment of Biological Diversity and Ecosystem Services in the Amazon Basin/Region”. The webinar was held within the framework of the socialization strategy of this study, which had the contribution of more than 100 experts, scientists and academics from the eight ACTO Member Countries. You can download the complete file by clicking here


Bioamazon Newsletter Edition 15

Jul 25, 2022 | ACTO, Bioamazon Project, Bioamazon Edition 15 May-Jun In this 15th edition we present the latest news from the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization and its Bioamazon Project, whose team conducted its second monitoring visit to Member Countries. This time, Venezuela received the project’s team and technical meetings were held, along with a fild trip to visit the Wildlife Refuge and the Protected Area of Arrua turtles. Also, we hereby report on the actions that are being implemented by ACTO to learn about the bioeconomy and promote its development in the Amazon Region. The actions include support for the BioForestALC, the holding of dialogue tables with experts in flra and fauna of the region, and the development of a regional information window on micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), with emphasis on CITES species, within the scope of the Amazonian Regional Observatory (ARO). In the section Amazonian Countries, learn about the results of the course on Tropical Timber Identifiation and Traceability conducted by the ACTO and the Forest Products Laboratory of the Brazilian Forest Service (LPF/SFB), which involved participants from Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela and also Guatemala. Also, read about the experience of one Ecuadorian company on the in vitro reproduction of orchids, which includes endangered species. Finally, we suggest reading the technical article on strategies for the conservation of Amazon turtles in Venezuela. You can download the complete file by clicking here


Bioamazon Newsletter Edition 14

May 25, 2022 | ACTO, Bioamazon Project, Bioamazon Edition 14 Mar-Abr We present another edition of the Bioamazon Newsletter with news about ACTO’s actions in the period of March and April. As we expected, activities were intense in these months. The Bioamazon Project started its journey of visits to ACTO Member Countries in Ecuador. The main objective is to hold working, coordination and evaluation meetings with partner institutions within the scope of the effective implementation of the Bioamazon Project, of the Amazon Regional Observatory (ORA). We invite you to read in the Amazon Countries section the technical articles on the population situation of the caiman (Caiman yacare) and the black caiman (Melanosuchus niger) in Bolivia and on the population situation of three species of freshwater rays Potamotrygon motoro, P. orbignyi and P. falkneri in the Peruvian Amazon. Likewise, we invite you to read the information about the training course on tropical timber identifiation methodologies that will be held from May 9th to 13th, at the facilities of the Amazon Regional Observatory, in Brasília, Brazil, and which will be attended by representatives of the eight ACTO Members Countries. Finally, in the Agenda section, we share information about the side event that ACTO will held within the framework of the 17th Session of the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF), on May 11, 2022. You can download the complete file by clicking here


Bioamazon Newsletter Edition 13

Mar 24, 2022 | ACTO, Bioamazon Project, Bioamazon Edition 13 Jan-Feb This fist edition of the Bioamazon Newsletter of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization portrays that year 2022 will be a year of intense work. This is the closing year of the Bioamazon Project and, in addition to the visits to the Amazonian Countries to conduct monitoring and evaluation activities, several technical reports will be produced. Within the framework of the project Contingency Plan for the Protection of Health in Highly Vulnerable Indigenous Peoples and in Initial Contact (ACTO/PAHO/IDB), the development of the Indigenous Peoples and Health Module for the Amazonian Regional Observatory began in January, and during a virtual meeting, the results of the Health Situation Analysis report in the Napo – Curaray – Río Tigre Region were introduced to the leadership of the Sapara Nation of Ecuador (NASE). In February, a new alliance was signed between ACTO and the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF). Through the Cooperation Framework Agreement, joint actions in the Amazon Region will be coordinated. The fist joint actions will be devoted to the strengthening and expansion of the Amazonian Regional Observatory (ARO) developing the Climate Change Module, built on technical and offiial information from the Member Countries; in addition to the strengthening of the Biodiversity and Forests modules. Finally, in March, which is a special month due to the celebration of World Wildlife Day (3), the International Day of Forests (21) and World Water Day (22), ACTO will participate in the previous meetings to the COP15 of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and at the World Water Forum. On these occasions, ACTO’s commitment to the biodiversity and water resources agenda in the Amazon will be highlighted. You can download the complete file by clicking here
