Technical Report Development of an electronic CITES permitting system for the international trade of wild flra and fauna in Guyana

Nov 21, 2022 | ACTO | ARO | Bioamazon Project  | Guyana The Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO) is pleased to present the results of consultancies and technical studies carried out within the scope of its Regional Project for the Management, Monitoring and Control of Species of Wild Fauna and Flora Threatened by Trade (Bioamazon Project), in the format of the publications of the Amazon Regional Observatory (ARO). In this Technical Report “Development of an electronic CITES permitting system for the international trade of wild flora and fauna in Guyana”, developed for the Guyana Wildlife Conservation and Management Commission (GWCMC), one will fid out how an end-to-end digital solution for managing the processes around the Import/Export of endangered species, including those protected under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) was created. As part of the new CITES system, developed with the help of the consultancy of cBrain, an integration was created to allow the Amazon Regional Observatory (ARO) to receive relevant data from the database to support constant communication around the type of species, quantity, appendix, etc. exported, allowing for more accurate national monitoring on endangered species’ trade in Guyana and in the wider Amazon Region. The project was characterized by a constructive and positive synergy between the GWCMC and cBrain, where it became apparent that numerous benefis could be achieved through the transformation of Guyana’s current CITES process with the use of new digital tools. These tools were provided using the 100% standard platform F2, which was confiured and adapted to match the local requirements of the country. As a result of this project, which lasted nine months (August 2021 – April 2022), the GWCMC now benefis from a brand new CITES softare system, which will improve staf productivity, transparency and visibility of species quotas, and conservation outcomes. Finally, we hope the contribution of this Technical Report to the knowledge management will inspire other institutions and countries to improve their practices in implementing CITES Convention on the Amazon Region. You can download the complete file by clicking here


Technical Report Build capacity for the Management of the Domestic Wildlife Trade in Guyana

Nov 21, 2022 | ACTO | ARO | Bioamazon Project  | Guyana The Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO) is pleased to present the results of consultancies and technical studies carried out within the scope of its Regional Project for the Management, Monitoring and Control of Species of Wild Fauna and Flora Threatened by Trade (Bioamazon Project), in the format of the publications of the Amazon Regional Observatory (ARO). In this Technical Report “Build capacity for the Management of the Domestic Wildlife Trade in Guyana”, developed for the Guyana Wildlife Conservation and Management Commission (GWCMC), one will fid out about the effrts to build awareness on the importance of regulating the wildlife trade; to develop a national system of harvest zones and harvest quotas for specific species, and to establish checkpoints for the monitoring and enforcement of the domestic wildlife license system. In Guyana, the enactment of the Wildlife Conservation and Management Act of 2016 brought virtually all aspects of the management of wildlife species under a singular legislation. The legislative framework provides for licences to be issued to operators in the trade from trappers and hunters to local retailers and international exporters. In an endeavor to build capacity for the management of the Domestic Wildlife Trade in Guyana effrts were directed towards three (3) components: Building awareness about the importance of regulating the wildlife trade among wildlife stakeholders through an extensive stakeholder engagement campaign. Development of a national system of harvest zones and harvest quotas for specifi species identifid by the Guyana Wildlife Conservation and Management Commission (GWCMC). The establishment of checkpoints for the monitoring and enforcement of the domestic wildlife licence system. Finally, we hope the contribution of this Technical Report to the knowledge management will inspire other institutions and countries to improve their practices in implementing CITES Convention on the Amazon Region. You can download the complete file by clicking here


Technical Report Illegal Wildlife Trade of Five Prioritized Species of Appendix I of CITES Emblematic for the Amazon Region

Oct 27, 2022 | ACTO | ARO | Bioamazon Project | Technical Report CITES I The illegal traffcking of species generates a billionaire market worldwide and unfortunately, these types of activities are carried out in the Amazon, reflecting the importance to strengthen the investigation and generate up-to-date and accurate information, in order to implement more effective measures to combat this transnational illicit activity. The eight countries that are part of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO) work jointly under the mandates of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty (ACT, 1978) for a better sustainable management of their natural resources in its Amazonian territories. Accordingly, ACTO, through the “Regional Project for the Management, Monitoring and Control of Wild Fauna and Flora Species Threatened by Trade (Bioamazon Project)”, is strengthening the institutional and technical capacity of the Amazonian countries in the management, monitoring and control of wild fauna and flora species threatened by illegal trade, particularly, species listed in the different Appendices of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). This report is a compilation of systematized and analyzed information on the illegal traffcking of CITES Appendix I species, the scarlet macaw (Ara macao), the ocelot (Leopardus pardalis), the jaguar (Panthera onca), the harpy eagle (Harpia harpyja) and the margay cat (Leopardus wiedii), which were prioritized and selected using a methodology combining three variables: (i) the geographical distribution; (ii) the total number of illegally traded specimens in confications; and (iii) the population status. You can download the complete file by clicking here


Annual Report Amazon Regional Observatory 2021

Aug 29, 2022 | ARO | ACTO | Bioamazon Project | Annual Report 2021 This annual report has been prepared with the support of the Regional Project for the Management, Monitoring and Control of Species of Wild Fauna and Flora Threatened by Trade (Bioamazon Project), a development project of ACTO, co-fianced by the Federal Republic of Germany through KfW. The main roles and functions of the PS/ACTO are, among others, to facilitate the exchange, knowledge, cooperation and joint projection of the Member Countries (MC) in pursuance of the mandates of the ACT, seeking consensus for the conduction of activities, programs and projects involving national, regional and international stakeholders A decision adopted during the XI Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs in 2011, en-trusted ACTO to the task of developing and launching the Amazon Regional Observatory (ARO). Since then, working groups with representation from ACTO Member Countries have discussed the concept of the Observatory, its characteristics and format, as well as the management structure and mechanisms for the transfer of offcial information. In 2019, ACTO made the decision to effectively implement the Observatory through the Permanent Secretariat, and for that purpose, an intense work began hiring the companies responsible for the technological development of the computer platform and physical facilities. This Report presents all the activities developed around the implementation of the ARO during 2021 and foresees the challenges for 2022.   You can download the complete file by clicking here
